Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /srv/www/vhosts/linux-events/public_html/fkn-osm_functions.php on line 76
	?&p=export&c=%2B30+days # +30 Days
	?&p=export&c=* # all
	?&p=export&s=coordinates # all with coordinates
	/?&p=export&s=co&c=LAT=52.2;LON=10.5;%2B190+Days # only around 150Km of coordinates
	/?&p=export&s=!co&NOCACHE=true&radius=90&c=LAT=52.25;LON=10.52;entry_type=lug # All LUGs around 90Km of coordinates
	?&p=export&s=SDF&c=Braun # print as SDF, the intern used and human readable text format
	?&p=export&s=CSV&c=Braun # print as CSV
	?&p=export&s=&c=Braun # print as HTML-Table
	?&p=export&c=pro=acc;pre=2016.2&s=SDF # print search (accept and 2016.2) as SDF
	?&p=export&c=pro=acc;pre=2016.2&s=CSV # print search (accept and 2016.2) as CSV
	?&p=export&c=pro=acc;pre=2016;cou=Schw # all accepted for presentation 2016 into SChWeiz

	pro == promise(ACC|MAY|INT)[/K]
	pre == presentation(string)
	cou == country(string)
	; == next KEY=VAL
	s == coordinates [/K] # can be shorten like: s=co
	s == csv [/K] # No tables only CSV
	(!)No spaces allowed
	For bulk data, create a CSV file (or an export.php from your DB) with following format in SDF, or CSV like Deno below:
# <- Comment: Full Template with hints in SDF:
#ENTRY_TYPE="(LUG|COORDINATION)"/K; ENTRY_OPTIONS="(Optional Functions for this Entry)"; name_organizer="(like: Max Müller)"/M; email_organizer="(email@domain.tld)"/M; fediverse="(http[s]://...)"; matrix="(http[s]://...)"; LAT="(50.12345  (must -90-90°))"/M; LON="(10.12345  (must -180-180°))"/M; country="(in wich country?)"/M; city="(name of the city?)"/M; presenter="(Who are the presenter?)"/M; presentation="(LPD.2024.1)"/M; location="(Location hint)"; link_presenter="(http[s]://www...)"/M; link_presentation="(http[s]://www...)"; link_navigation="(http[s]://www...)"; link_public_transport="(http[s]://www...)"; event_date="(2024-05-15)"/M; event_date_to="(2024-05-22)"; event_time_from_to="(1300-1900)"; remark="(Remarks ...)"; needs="(Orga, Helfer, Räume, Geld, PCs, ...)"; promise="(ACCEPT|MAYBE|INTEREST)"/K/M; extras="(LPD-BS Plakate (visual with search: Extras=(LPD-BS|Plakate))"; 
# One Line per Entry, empty fields can be leave, keywords must UPPERCHASE, column delimiter are '; ', /K == Keyword , /M == Mandatory
# As short template, copy lines and uncomment them if used and filled:
#ENTRY_TYPE="(LUG|COORDINATION)"/K; ENTRY_OPTIONS=""; name_organizer=""/M; email_organizer=""/M; fediverse=""; matrix=""; LAT=""/M; LON=""/M; country=""/M; city=""/M; presenter=""/M; presentation=""/M; location=""; link_presenter=""/M; link_presentation=""; link_navigation=""; link_public_transport=""; event_date=""/M; event_date_to=""; event_time_from_to=""; remark=""; needs=""; promise="(ACCEPT|MAYBE|INTEREST)"/K/M; extras=""; 
	And send us this Link to migrate your datas automaticly into our database. For this or questions, use the Contact.

CountryCityOrganizerEvent nameEvent DateRemarkResources still requiredStatus
DanmarkUllerupAlsLUG - Alssung Linux UsergroupInstallfest2024-09-142nd saturday of each month
DanmarkUllerupAlsLUG - Alssung Linux UsergroupInstallfest2024-10-122nd saturday of each month
DanmarkUllerupAlsLUG - Alssung Linux UsergroupInstallfest2024-11-092nd saturday of each month
DanmarkUllerupAlsLUG - Alssung Linux UsergroupLinuxaften2024-09-23rolling weekdays 1-2 times each month
DanmarkUllerupAlsLUG - Alssung Linux UsergroupLinuxaften2024-10-03rolling weekdays 1-2 times each month
DanmarkUllerupAlsLUG - Alssung Linux UsergroupLinuxaften2024-10-28rolling weekdays 1-2 times each month
Deutschland24223 Schwentinental OT RaisdorfComputer Club Klausdorf CCKLPD.2024.22024-11-16Der Termin steht !!mehr Werbung!
DeutschlandBraunschweigBraunschweiger Linux-User-Group [BS-LUG]LPD.2024.22024-11-13
DeutschlandNürnbergLinux User Group NürnbergLPD.2024.22024-11-16
DeutschlandVillingen-SchwenningenLUG-VS e.V.LPD.2024.22024-11-16
CC BY 3.0 for datadump © 2024-09-13@linux-events.org